Monday, February 12, 2007

Learning User Preferences for Sets of Objects

In the setting of the proposed article, we only have positive samples. The difficulty of so-called preference learning problems lies on the portfolio effect, which says putting the best together won't necessarily generates the best group. The authors proposed a language DD-PREF, which takes this effect into consideration.

The language is a tuple of four factors, P=(q, d, w, alpha). q is called depth, namely the degree that the user prefers on several features, which can be estimated with kernel density estimators(KDEs) using the positive samples. The total depth of a given set s is the weighted sum of average feature depth:
Vdep(s|P) = sumover f wf * sumover x in s qf(xf) /|s|
And there is another factor called diversity. d is used to specify the desired diversity. In real computation, it is simply the average diversity over the positive set. The total diversity is:
Vdiv(s|P) = sumover f wf * ( 1 - (df - divf(s) )2 )
And the final preferences is ranked according to the weighted(alpha) sum of Vdep and Vdiv.

Then the learning procedure requires q, d, w while alpha is set according to application. Find w requires an optimization technique called BFGS.

Here we have to learn more about the following techniques:
KDE, two references, one is Duda's Pattern Classification, the other is Representing data distributions with kernel density estimates.
BFGS, I think it is included in Neumeric Optimization.

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