Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Permutation Invariant SVMs

First I had a wrong image of this paper, mistaking the permutation for robustness. It turned out the permutation means sth other that robustness. One unpolished idea to tackle with problem of permutation of features is to design a suitable kernel that tolerates permutations. This paper depends on a Kuhn-Munkres algorithm which efficiently seeks the optimal permutation that minimizes sth as following:

With this algorithm, the so-called π-SVM is trained as following:

The algorithm trains an SVM with conventional techniques and tries to permute each sample so as to get a larger margin. I don't see a proof of convergence of this algorithm. The testing procedure needs Kuhn-Munkres algorithm that finds largest margin under permutations of both positive and negative classes and chooses the larger one.

To see why such an SVM is designed, we must know the application settings. They select the pixel positions (70, randomly selected) where it is white in each image as features for each image. Hence the feature is a set of positions, where permutation happens. It is interesting though a little experiment-oriented.

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