Thursday, January 13, 2011

Semi-supervised Learning Using Gaussian Fields and Harmonic Functions

This is also a piece of even earlier work on label propagation in semi-supervised setting. There are many fancy nouns, Gaussian random fields, energy minimization and harmonics... But it ends like something resembling the previous paper.

They explain the label propagation as the minimization of the so-called energy function of a Gaussian field, which is actually the quadratic form of the Laplacian and therefore corresponds to the so-call elliptic PDE (and hence many more nouns: Green function, harmonics). The little difference might be they are using D^{-1} W (one-step transition matrix) instead of the symmetrized and normalized version D^{-1/2} W D^{-1/2} in the previously scanned paper. The closed form solution is obtained via Schur complement instead of the iterative procedure in Zhou's paper.

The paper also discusses connections with random walks and electric networks, graph kernels, spectral clustering and N-cut. I believe due to the connection, this propagation idea must have been discussed with all kinds of variants (normalized? symmetrized?)

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