Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Geometric-aware Metric Learning

This is an extension to the ICML 07 paper, with introduction of graph regularization. The idea is to find a pair of kernel matrices, one from task-dependent kernel set and the other from a parametrized data-dependent kernels. The two sets are quite different. The former is used in later classification or related tasks and they choose the Mahalanobis kernel. The later contains locality information and is created with the graph kernels (a subspace spanned by the eigen vectors corresponding to the smallest eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix). To measure the similarity of the two distance, the Bregman divergence is employed. the difference between the current optimization and the one in the ICML 07 paper is that the other matrix is not fixed. The rough idea is to update them alternatively (just as in LSQ in tensor).

We may change the data-dependent kernel for different tasks (e.g. unsupervised tasks using graph kernels, supervised tasks using labels). There are connections with regularization theory: the solution has a representation of a combination of graph kernel and another term which can be interpreted as a regularizer. Another possible connection is to GP: GP could be regarded as a special case of the proposed framework. I think this topic is by then very interesting. I will come back later to this topic when I have time.

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